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Announcement of the Croatian Bar Association regarding the “white strike” of judges and the increase in judges’ salaries

The basic and most important task of a lawyer is to realize the rights of the parties within a reasonable time, and this is not helped by the cancellation of scheduled hearings that our clients wait too long even in the regular course of things.

The Croatian Bar Association (HOK) understands the requests of judges to increase their salaries and improve their material status, as well as the requests to improve the material status and increase the salaries of all officials who work in the courts and without whom judges cannot properly perform their responsible and important duty for the realization of the rule rights. HOK also supports all efforts for the purpose of achieving better working conditions for judges and courts in terms of the arrangement or construction of adequate court buildings, as well as the equipment of courtrooms and other courtrooms.

Improving the financial status of judges and court officials is necessary and contributes to the independence of judges and the judiciary as a whole, which is one of the prerequisites for a fair and speedy trial in all cases.

Therefore, HOK is advocating for the continuation of talks and negotiations between representatives of judges with the Ministry of Justice and Administration of the Republic of Croatia in the hope that judges’ strikes will not be repeated and that a satisfactory solution will be reached.

The Croatian Bar Association appeals that the canceled hearings be rescheduled as a matter of priority in the short term, all in order to realize the rights of the parties before the Croatian courts.

Repost from: Croatian Lawyer Chamber